Damian RiehlDamian Riehl1Damian Riehl2Just went over and checked out Damian Riehl’s site. So. GNARLY!! Big inspiration to grow as a film photography. Above are the top 3 photos that I’m in love with.
Why do I dive deep into Damian’s work?
“I am self taught, choosing to cut my teeth with fully mechanical film photography. That and my longtime job as a bicycle messenger have been perfect as the vehicles to get me to where I am. I started out shooting for myself, but I have grown to love sharing what I do with others. My style as I see it is obvious and to the point, born from my photographic interests in architecture(order, form, balance, harmony, and cleanliness bordering on standardized perfection) and skateboarding(raw, free flowing and a bit more individualistic, yet very under control). One part documentary and one part artistic expression, often at the same time, and without overpowering the subject, but adding to its presentation. I feel a respect to whatever I shoot and always hope to portray it in the most palatable manner possible.”
That’s why…
Go get Riehl!! Happy Friday. Take advantage of your day. Cheers!