Founded in 1981, Women In Photography International is a 501.c.3 outreach organization,
which promotes the visibility of women photographers and their work.
online since 1999

which promotes the visibility of women photographers and their work.
online since 1999
WIPI Special Feature SILVERSHOTZ COLLECTIBLE last printed edition 2014 Volume 8, Edition 5 Collectible print edition and/or subscription iPad/computer download: Photographers: Reflective Citiscapes by Lilyan Aloma, Fine Art Equine Photography by Merrie Asimow, Conceptual Still Life Creations by Jean Ferro, Cirque du Soleil Portraits by Ivy Bigbee, and Documentary work by Cathy Greenblat, Amie Vanderford, and Betty Press. Also presented are unique collections that include Metaphoric Visuals by Kathryn Jacobi, Gilded Nature Photographs by Wendi Schneider, Planet Earth Composites by Joyce Lopez, and Digitally-derived contemplative images by Joanne Scherf. Feature Gallery - WIPI Article - Press Release Cover: Ivy Bigbee, Portraits from Cirque Du Soleil, costumes by Dominique Lemieux |
POSTCARDS - New work & reflections of the past exhibitions
Barbara White . Belinda Jentz . Brenda Maltese .Callie Biggerstaff . Candace Biggerstaff . Carol Henry Carolyn Meltzer . Catherine E. Money Diane Silverman . Gloria Golden . Heather Buckley Hilary Neroni Ivy Bigbee . Jane Stevens . Jean Ferro . Kathleen Buckstaff . Kathy Corday . Maria Coletsis . Nancy Clendaniel . Patrizia Pulga . Patsy R. Davis Wendi Schneider . Wilda Gerideau-Squires . Winifred Meiser |
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