Photographing Young Children with Low-Key Lighting – Tutorial
Tips for Photographing Children
There is no doubt that photographing young children can be a challenge, and never more so than when using a low-key lighting setup. So why bother? Because the drama and richness inherent in this type of lighting is SO worth it and because it’s unexpected for high energy children’s photography. For the purposes of this post, young and active will be defined as children between the ages of one and four (toddlers).
The good news about this type of lighting is the comfort and ease with which it can be set up. You only need one light and a dark background. Most of the time I use black seamless paper or dark gray seamless paper. To provide the widest possible latitude for movement on the child’s part, the light should be positioned as close to the center as possible. See diagram:

I prefer a soft box for this particular situation, as it provides a more directional, slightly ‘harder’ light than that bounced out of an umbrella. This does not mean you cannot use an umbrella. As a matter of fact, you could use a white, translucent shoot-through umbrella to great effect.
Okay, let’s say you’ve got your victim…er subject lined up. So now what? Well, just tell that two-year to go on out there to the ‘middle’ of the background and do something interesting while you photograph them. Sure thing Mz Photog, but…what’s a background and where’s the middle and what am I supposed to do out there all by my lonesome? I am about to introduce you to the very best friend you will ever have. Meet Mister Smiley Face:

This next step is very important. Make sure the child knows about Mister Smiley. Get down on their level and show them ‘their’ smiley face. Make a big deal out of it. If you have a fresh roll of paper, you might even wait until they are in the camera room and draw it in front of them. In any event, make a big production of Mister Smiley Face, emphasizing it is just for them. You now have a way to direct the toddler.
This may seem overly simple, but trust me. I have been photographing toddlers for almost 20 years. They don’t know from backgrounds and lighting zones, nor do they care to learn. They have other things to do. Like moving around. A lot. All over the place. You will save yourself and the child an enormous amount of unnecessary

High Key Studio Lighting – Tutorial
Low Key Lighting – Tutorial
Studio Lighting for Headshots – Tutorial
Photographing Babies, Birth to One Year – Tips and Techniques
How to Set Up a Photo Booth in Your Home
How to Photograph Large Groups in the Studio
Using Bold Color in Portraiture – Tips and Techniques
Courtesy of: Studio on a Shoestring
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