Monday, June 6, 2022

What Is Polarized Light and How Does It Improve Images? – Free Quick Guide

We’re sure that you have encountered a situation at least once where you have been frustrated by glare or reflections hitting your lens from a body of water, glass, or perhaps another object.

When you looked back at your affected images, you realized that they would have been fantastic had it not been for the glare.

You’ve likely also heard of a piece of photographic gear called a polarizing filter.

Do you know what polarized light is and what it does?

If you’re curious about the technical side of polarized light and how it affects you as a photographer, then you will thoroughly enjoy this guide.

Here’s what’s covered:

  • What is light, and how does it travel?
  • What is polarized light, and how is it different from unpolarized light?
  • What are the two different types of polarizing filters?
  • What filter do you need for your camera system?
  • Should you invest in a round or square polarizing filter?
  • What are the characteristics of a good polarizing filter versus a less expensive one?
  • Can you mimic polarized light using post-processing software?
  • How should you properly use a polarizing filter?

The answers are all right here.

Grab your copy.

Photo Credit: Tobie Schwalkwyk



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