Why I’m Not a Film Photographer
Film seems to be a trend these days and more and more photographers are going back to the roots of the art and shooting strictly in film. A few friends of mine have been playing with the idea of shooting all film at weddings. Now I have to admit, I have the complete and utmost respect for them. Last spring, I had the opportunity to take a film photography class and it was a great learning experience! I discovered about myself, more than I already knew, that I craved instant gratification! I love the opportunity to show my clients when they are rocking it behind the camera immediately!
I guess the real reason why I don’t shoot film is because I don’t have the patience for it. Everything in the process just takes a little bit longer. Instead of editing ASAP, I would have to either go into the darkroom myself, or I would have to send it off to a lab to get scanned! Either way, this doesn’t match my workflow and business model in wanting to give my clients their images as soon as possible. Having to wait so long for the finished product takes away some of the excitement of it.
Maybe the real truth of it is the little saying I always tell Morgan when I’m being impatient about something, “Patience is a virtue… just not one that I have acquired yet!” But in reality I think that digital just really is the best way I can serve my clients!
What about you? Do you prefer film or digital, or both? What attracts you to one or the other?

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