Monday, April 21, 2014

 by Bellamy

Get Featured: Jesse Struyvelt
Jesse is the first of the ‘get featured’ series. And what a way to start, images of a beautiful woman. Come and check out Jesse’s work.

Hi guys and girls. I’m Jesse, a 21 year old Belgian student who stumbled into photography about a year ago. Mainly shot digital until 2014 with a Leica M8 and shooting models.
Tried many different camera’s, but kept going back to the Leica’s. After seeing much more of film I have always wanted to shoot film only.
I’m not really working on a project, except for The Film Foundation and finding my creative voice.
As much as I tried to, it was a very though process to go through. In 2014 I finally left the digital scene and began shooting film. The main reason what convinced me was first my friends and secondly the start of “The Film Foundation”.
Shot 06.jpg & 07.jpg are digital with the Leica M8 all the rest is done on my M6. Still need to get a load of film developed so can’t give more film shots of my modelling work.
Felt I needed something to hold on to, so I started this open platform, for everyone that shoots film and wants to get in touch with each other. The project gave me a huge boost to continue what I was aiming for.
Secondly, and more important. We held a meeting here in Belgium to bring film shooters together. And it actually did what it should have done, stimulate people on shooting film. Wrote an article about “The leap to film photography” which you can find here:
On the downside I feel it’s hard to run these things international, I’m focusing mainly in Belgium, but I’m busy on the new website which will be an easy sharing platform for all kinds of stuff. Articles, experiences, portfolio’s ..
My other project is a lifetime project which every artist in this world goes trough and it’s finding my creative voice in my work. What I know is where about my aim is. But how to get there, what will change and how will I be different from now until then is the hardest part to estimate. The direction is ahead of me and hopefully the rest will follow.
For the people who are interested in my work. You can find my portfolio on, follow me on instagram @jessestr or pop a like on Facebook at

Big thanks to Bellamy for all his effort!
Thanks for sharing your work, Jesse. Keep it up.
Come on, share with us what you have and get yourself featured.
Click on this link and send in your project/work: Get Featured. *I am looking for mainly projects, not individual images*
Oh, and click here to see a few of the photographers that have been on the site before
Please make sure you come and comment, polite and constructive critique is welcome.

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