Friday, October 26, 2018

4 Excellent Photography Courses for Beginners

Whether you’re picking up a DSLR for the first time or just looking to improve your photography skills, one of the best ways to learn is to take the advice of an experienced photographer. Depending on your creative style and professional aspirations, it could be as simple as following a workshop or reading a blog, or as in-depth as a long-term mentorship or year-long university course.
Whatever your photography goals are, there are plenty of great resources readily available. Even if you’re short on cash, you can find the information you need online. You don’t have to take an expensive, week-long workshop or go back to school for a photography degree. All you need is an Internet connection and a dedication to learning and growing as a photographer.
One Google search will give you many fantastic resources and articles to help you improve your photography skills. In addition to blogs like ours, you can take online classes through companies like Udemy, which connects industry experts with students. As one of our partners, we routinely use their courses to help further our own photography skills as well as recommend them to our readers to help further their own expertise.
Founded in 2010 as a global marketplace for learning and teaching online, Udemy now has over 65,000 courses in over 50 different languages. There’s something for every level and interest. Best of all, you get to decide your own pace and learn from home. You don’t have to rearrange your schedule to learn a new photography skill; you can move forward whenever you have time.

Beginner Photography Classes

Here’s a list of some excellent photography courses from Udemy that we recommend for beginners or even casual, Instagram photographers. Know someone who could benefit from a few photography tips and inspiration? Share this list with them, since friends don’t let friends post bad photos!

Photography Masterclass 2.0: A Complete Guide to Photography

This course is built to teach you the ins and outs of photography. It’ll help you create unique and interesting images in a range of scenarios, like family portraits or landscape photography. You’ll learn how to operate your camera manually, use natural and flash lighting, incorporate the rules of photography in your shots, and much more. The course includes over 20 hours of on-demand video, 60+ articles, 30 supplemental resources, assignments, and lifetime access.
>>> Learn More
Josh Katz - Outdoor

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Outdoor Photography

From beautiful landscape sunsets to incredible cityscape compositions, this course allows you to jump directly to the concept you want to learn right away. You can browse through an array of genres, such as street photography, astrophotography, cityscapes, long exposures, HDRs, and more. The course includes over 9 hours of on-demand video, 20 supplemental resources, and lifetime access.
>>> Learn More
Snapchick - portrait

The Beginner’s Guide to Classic Portrait Photography

One of the best areas to start improving as a beginner is in portrait photography. Good portrait-taking skills will not only dramatically improve your everyday shots of friends and family but also make it easier for you to become a professional photographer. Even if you’re wanting to get into architecture or landscape photography, it’s becoming increasingly important to incorporate a human element in every genre. This course offers over 3 hours of on-demand video training and lifetime access for those looking to establish a comprehensive foundation in classic portraiture.
>>> Learn More
eric kim - entrepreneurship

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship

One of the most difficult challenges of being an artist and photographer is figuring out how to make a consistent living doing what you love. In this course, you’ll learn from experts on how to monetize your passion with a variety of services and products. By the end, you’ll know how to effectively market and brand yourself online and in person, as well as set up your own photography workshops and courses. With 5 hours of on-demand video, supplemental resources, and lifetime access, you’ll kickstart your adventure and begin the journey to becoming a professional photographer.
>>> Learn More
With all the photos available online today, it’s important to work hard at standing out from the crowd. With the classes above, you can push yourself to reach a higher level of photography and, hopefully, have a lot of fun in the process.

5 Essential Tips for Street Photography Beginners

Street photography is a type of photography that aims to document everyday life. If you’re set to master street photography, give these tips a go and you’ll be on the right track.
Unlike other types of photography, street photography is generally about taking candid photos of people in public. It aims to capture stories and emotions without the influence of the photographer, which is, let’s all face it, not an easy thing to master.
But don’t lose hope! Every great photographer starts somewhere. To help you get started on your journey to becoming an impressive street photographer, follow these essential tips.

Overcome your fear

Not just any fear — your fear of of taking photos of random people in public. Capturing images of strangers is easier said than done. There’s always this sense of privacy invasion when doing candid photography. It’ll surely be uncomfortable, especially when you start getting different kind of looks from people. This is not surprising as there are those who’d rather not have their photos taken without permission.
To avoid this, you can always ask permission. Remember, street photography is generally about taking candid images. This means that there will also be times when your photos won’t be candid. But don’t worry. You will still be able to tell stories and photograph emotions even if you ask permission through street portraits.

Be an observer

By being aware of everything around you, you’ll be able to find the perfect stories for your photographs. Not only that, you will find it easier to compose images and decide on what to include in the frame to complete your story. It’s best to train your eyes and mind to observe your surroundings early on and develop it further as you continue to hone your technical photography skills.

Choose the right gear

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), there isn’t one perfect camera for street photography. The right gear is what you’re comfortable at using: a DSLR, a point-and-shoot camera, a mirrorless camera, a film camera, or your smartphone camera. It’s up to you.
Of course, they all have upsides and downsides. But you’ll find the ideal gear to be just what you need to take the images you want to take. It’ll feel right — like it’s an extension of your eyes, like it fits perfectly in your hand.
So don’t be afraid to try different cameras and see which one works best for you.

Be patient

You’ll need a lot of patience when taking street photographs. Waiting for the right moment is key to having a good photo — you’ll need to wait for the subject to move, to look into the camera, to do something unpredictable, and more. Sometimes, you’ll even have to wait for a subject to walk into the frame of your photo!
Take your time, and you’ll be rewarded with nice images.

Get out there and shoot street photos!

Nothing will happen if you only read articles like this and not put everything you have learned into practice. The best thing to do to improve in street photography is to take street photos. Make sure you have your camera with you all the time so when the perfect moment presents itself, you’re fully equipped to capture it.
Street photography is interesting and fun but challenging at the same time even if you have the best cameras for photography. If you want to be successful in this type of photography, all that’s been discussed here will help you reach that goal. Happy shooting!

Photographing the Northern Lights: Tips from Neil Bloem

15th October 2018
“The Northern Lights were the main reason for me wanting to live at the top of the world. I was hooked from the very first moment I saw them.”
Neil Bloem
In 2017, photographer Neil Bloem packed up his life in Melbourne and moved across the world to arctic Norway. Trading his busy city life for the solitude of Northern Norway’s mountains, he now spends his days photographing the spectacular light show known as the Aurora Borealis (or Northern Lights).
Here, Neil shares his advice on travelling in the Arctic Circle, and tips on where, when and how to photograph this eerily beautiful natural phenomenon.

Understanding the Northern Lights

A person in front of a bonfire under the northern lights. Image by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 25 sec, 14mm
The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are charged particles that have been released from the Sun’s surface into outer space. Occasionally these particles line up with Earth and hit our magnetic field at great speeds, entering our atmosphere through the North and South Poles. These charged particles from the Sun interact with the oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere, creating the dancing lights and colours that we see in our night skies.
“Norway’s landscapes are a photographer’s dream, and the Northern Lights are unbelievably beautiful.”
Neil Bloem
Auroral displays appear in many colours, although pale green and pink are the most common. Shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet have also been reported. The lights appear in many forms from patches and scattered clouds of light to streamers, arcs, rippling curtains and shooting rays that light up the sky with an eerie glow.

Where to Photograph the Aurora Borealis

image of the Aurora Borealis. Photo by Neal Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 8 sec, 14mm
As long as you have darkness, it is possible to see the Northern Lights in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Greenland, Iceland, Alaska and Canada.
I’m currently living on the Lofoten Islands at the top of Norway, which is my favourite place to photograph the Auroras. The only downfall of this location as a Northern Lights photography destination is that the weather can often be bad, reducing your chances of seeing the Lights here in winter.

When to Photograph the Aurora Borealis

Image of the Northern Lights and its reflection on a lake. Photo by Neal Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-3200, 15 sec, 14mm
In the Arctic Circle we experience the Midnight Sun in summer, where the Sun doesn’t drop below the horizon, creating 24 hours of daylight. We also experience Polar Nights in winter, where the Sun doesn’t rise above the horizon, resulting in 24 hours of darkness.
From the end of August, it starts getting dark enough at night to view the Auroras. Personally, I prefer September and October for viewing the Northern Lights, as the temperatures are more comfortable for being outside all night.
“Most people come to Norway and other parts of the Arctic Circle around December. During this time of year you have 24 hours of darkness, giving you nearly all day to find and enjoy the Lights.”
Neil Bloem
The weather is generally better coming out of the summer months, with clearer skies and lakes that haven’t frozen over yet, allowing you to take beautiful reflection photos in the water. There’s also no snow at this time of year, making locations easier to get to.
In mid-April it becomes too light at night to see the Northern Lights, as it shifts back to the Midnight Sun period.

Best Camera Lenses and Gear for Photographing the Northern Lights

Image of a person under the Northern Lights
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 20 sec, 14mm
Camera Body: Most DSLR cameras are capable of taking decent photos at night. I use the Canon 5D Mark III body with a 14mm f/2.8L lens.
Lenses: What will really help your night photography and shooting the Northern Lights is having a wide angle lens with a high aperture, such as f/1.8 or f/2.8. The higher the aperture, the wider the opening of your aperture will be, which will let in more light. If the whole sky is covered with Auroras then you will want to capture as much of the scene and landscape as possible in the frame. Using a wide angle lens of 20mm or below is ideal.
Tripod: Before taking your photos of the beauty in the sky, you’ll first need to set up your tripod. Unless you have a super power of holding a camera completely still for 20 seconds, a tripod is critical for night photography and capturing the dancing Northern Lights.

Recommended Camera Settings for Photographing the Northern Lights

photography of the Northern Lights with purple tones. Shot by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 2 sec, 14mm

“It’s best to have full control over your equipment when shooting at night.”
Neil Bloem
Start by switching both your camera and lens to manual mode. Focusing manually at night is surprisingly easy and most lenses have an infinity symbol you can adjust to. You can also use your live view to zoom in on a subject in the distance—either a house light or someone standing far away with their phone lit up—and manually adjust your focus to make the light as sharp as possible.
Photo of the Aurora Borealis over a cabin in Norway. Photo by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 2 sec, 14mm
Generally speaking, once you’ve got the ISO and aperture locked in, you will only need to adjust the shutter speed. Be aware that, depending on your camera, going over 1600 ISO will likely start bringing a bit of grain and noise into your photo.
Shutter Speed
Every night will be different, so if the Lights are faint in the sky you will want to have the lens wide open for a lot longer to bring in more light. But if the Lights are strong and moving quickly across the sky, then having a shorter shutter speed like 3 or 5 seconds will result in sharper photos. If you have a shutter speed of 20 seconds and there are dancing Auroras, your shots will just be a green blur.
The higher your aperture, the more light will be able to let in. Keep your aperture open as wide as your lens will allow. Apertures of f/1.8 or f/2.8 are generally best for photographing the Northern Lights.
There are a few different ways to shoot the Northern Lights depending on what’s happening in the sky, but here are two quick guidelines to get started with:
Camera Settings for Photographing Faint Northern Lights
ISO – 1600 / Aperture – f/2.8 (or as high as your lens will go) Shutter Speed – 20/25 seconds
Camera Settings for Photographing Strong/Dancing Northern Lights
ISO – 1600 / Aperture – f/2.8 (or as high as your lens will go) Shutter Speed – 3/5 seconds
Learn more about the aperture, shutter speed and ISO with this tutorial.

Tips for Photographing the Northern Lights in the Arctic

Keep Safe

photo of the Northern lights with green and purple tones. Shot by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 3.2 sec, 14mm
Safety is a very big thing to keep in mind when going out searching for the Auroras. A lot of the time you’ll be quickly pulling your car over to the side of the road as the lights appear. Shooting on the road like this can be dangerous, especially because many of the roads are narrow and covered with ice and snow.
Make sure your car is safely and completely off the road. Wear reflective vests or jackets and move away from the road as far as possible. Having a head torch is important as well, as navigating your way in the darkness is very risky, especially in places you are unfamiliar with.

Keep Shooting

Aurora Borealis. Image by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/2.8, ISO-1600, 2 sec, 14mm
Being in such cold climates while shooting the Auroras, brings your gear some unexpected challenges and you need to take extra precautions. Your batteries will drain more quickly than usual in the freezing temperatures, so be sure to bring plenty of spares.
Avoiding condensation on and inside your camera is important too. When quickly moving from cold to warm, or warm to cold climates, you should place your camera in a ziplock bag or camera bag before changing temperatures. Leave the bag in its new environment for your equipment to slowly adjust.
Your tripod will most likely ice over as well, so always remember to handle your tripod with gloves.

Keep Warm

photo of a camping tent under the Northern Lights. Image by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/3.2, ISO-1600, 10 sec, 14mm
It’s important to pack the right clothing to make sure you keep warm while exploring with your camera. Being warm, dry and comfortable will make your photography trip a whole lot better.
Layer up using wool thermals and socks, down jackets and windbreakers. Always avoid using cotton as it works the complete opposite way of what you want in cold climates. Wool beanies, hats, gloves and waterproof boots are also all essential.
Stacking on the right layers and making yourself comfortable out in the arctic cold will ensure you have a great night of shooting.
“I’ve dealt with frostbite a couple of times, and let me tell you: it’s not fun!”
Neil Bloem
Another part of making yourself comfortable in the cold is using hand warmers. Apart from doing the obvious of warming your hands, they’re great at keeping your spare batteries warm too, which makes them last longer. And sticking them in your boots and gloves is always a nice feeling when you’re out in -20 or below all night.
Reflection of the Northern Lights on a lake. Image by Neil Bloem
Aperture f/3.2, ISO-3200, 25 sec, 14mm
Use these tips and techniques and you’ll be taking great photos of the Northern Lights at the top of the world in no time!
Follow Neil on Instagram to see more of his Northern Lights photography.
Would you love to photograph the majestic Northern Lights? Enter Canon’s Christmas competition for a chance to win 1 of 30 life-changing trips exclusively crafted by Canon. Find out more and enter here!


15 of the best photography blogs and sites to help you become a better photographer

I love my site – but it can’t do everything for everyone. I’d like to suggest some of the best photography blogs that might help you out on your quest to become the photographer you dream of being.

Clickin Moms

Clickin Moms ( )

If you’re a ‘chap’ rather than a ‘chapette’ – don’t be put off by the title of this site. It offers great advice – especially for those interested in capturing stunning pictures of their kids.

Perfect For – Parents/photographers looking to take wonderful photographs of their children.


FStoppers is a fantastic photography blog sharing great stories and obviously some wonderful photographs. But check out their education section for some awesome tips.

Perfect For – Photographers looking for short, simple tips and advice.

Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis produces short and very well produced videos about all aspects of photography. He’s built his reputation and brand with these videos and by being a master of his craft.

Perfect For – Photographers who prefer to learn via video.

Lightroom Killer Tips

Combining a mix of blogs articles and videos – this site is narrowly focused on getting the most from Adobe Lightroom. So if you have reached the point where you want to delve into post processing – give this a whirl!

Perfect For – Photographers who like to tweak and improve their images after the shoot

Digital Photography School

Darren Rowse has created one of the most popular digital photography websites in the world. There is something for everyone on here. They keep it simple and easy to follow. You may well lose a few days with the sheer volume of content!

Perfect For – Digital photographers of all skill levels.

Fro Knows Photo

Jared Polin (AKA The Fro) is a photography personality in every sense of the word! He produces short, very entertaining videos sharing excellent photography tips and advice.

Perfect For – Photographers looking for energetic video lessons.

Photo Focus

Founded by Scott Bourne, Photo Focus now has a huge number of contributors and a vast catalogue of content. What I like best is the ease of use, particularly the ‘Your Focus’ menu that can get you to the most relevant advice quickly.

Perfect For – Photographers looking for inspiration as well as knowledge.

Click it up a notch

Although Courtney Slazinik proudly describes herself as a ‘momtographer’ being a mum isn’t a prerequisite to learn from her excellent site.

Perfect For – Momtographers, wannabe Momtographers and ermmm…. non-momtographers. It’s really for anyone who wants to switch to Manual photography.


Strobist is a site dedicated to getting the most from your flash. It describes itself as “world’s most popular resource for photographers who want how to learn to use their flashes like a pro.” But don’t let that put you off if you’re a rookie. There are great entry-level flash tips as well.

Perfect For – Photographers looking for the light!

Jasmine Star

Jasmine’s fabulous blog features helpful ‘how to’ guides on all aspects of digital photography, but is particularly focused on Wedding Photography.

Perfect For – Wedding and Event Photographers

Light Stalking

A wide range of professional and talented amateur photographers share their tips and advice along with their gorgeous images. Articles are usually short and to the point.

Perfect For – Photographers looking for straightforward advice and feedback on images.

Scott Kelby

Scott is an accomplished photographer, writer and teacher. He has created an educational community for photographers, Photoshop and Lightroom users.

Perfect For – Photographers looking to get the most from Photoshop & Lightroom.

Joe McNally

Joe opts for a more photo essay style approach to his photography teaching. His posts tend to be longer than most showcased here, which I personally love, they are also broken up by his stunning images.

Perfect For – The photographer who wants the story behind the lesson.

Creative Live

While this site is focused on selling courses, they are free if you’re willing and able to watch them live. Some of the world’s best photographers teach here.

Perfect For – The photography video webinar fan.

Skip Cohen University

A slightly different approach, in that they advocate live learning – rather than self-serve photography education. That being said, the blog has some great content & advice.

Perfect For – Talented amateur photographers interested in going pro.

Now it’s your turn

That’s our Top 15 Educational Photography Blogs – what do you think? Have we missed out any you regularly use? If so, share in the comments and we will update the blog later with your suggestions!

Courtesy of: Tea Break Tog

Thursday, October 25, 2018

5 Simple Photography Tips for Beginners

By: TJ Donegan

Photography is one of the most exciting hobbies you can pick up, but when you're first starting out it can all just seem so daunting. But don't get discouraged! It's important to remember that everyone started somewhere. There are no Mozarts in photography, virtuoso geniuses who were born knowing everything there is to know about the craft. More often we began like Beethoven, sitting at the piano in tears.
But while learning how to compose a symphony would take years of practice, composing a great photo can be done at the click of a button—if you know what you're doing. Fret not if you don't, however, we've got some simple tips that are easy to remember, easy to follow, can be used with any camera, and will improve your photos in no time—no technical knowledge required.

1. Exposure

By using lots of exposure compensation toward the negative, we're left with a dark flower and bee silhouetted against the sky. This lets us just focus on the contrast and shape of the scene.
The first thing you're going to want to know is that light is an elemental particle that exhibits wave-particle duality in accordance with the laws of quantum phys... Just kidding. This is the easy version. While you can spend literally your entire life studying the way light moves through the universe, you budding photographers just need to concern yourself with one concept: brightness.
Ever walk into a dark room after being outside on a bright day? You know how your eyes have to adjust before you can see anything? Your camera is the same way. The world varies from very bright to very dark and your camera can only capture so much of this range in a single shot. Controlling this range is very simple to do and can be a powerful way to change the character of your photo.
The easiest way to do this is with your camera's "exposure compensation" button, which is always signified with a +/- symbol. It might be a dedicated dial, a button on the camera, or an option in the menu. Whenever you shoot in an automatic mode on a camera, it tries to figure out how bright the scene should be. But cameras are dumb, and sometimes you have to nudge things in the right direction.
Have a sky that's way too bright? Slide that sucker towards the negative. Trying to brighten up an area in the shadows? Move it to the plus side. Play around with it until you get the idea. Congratulations! You just figured out the most powerful concept in photography.

2. Light

By shooting when the sun is low we get a wonderful golden light as well as more interesting atmospheric effects.
So now you kinda sorta get how light is affecting your shots. Now you want to go find it. Specifically, you want to find situations where light is dramatic. The best time to do this is during something called the "golden hour." The golden hour is simply the hour right around dawn and right before sunset. It's named this for the beautiful golden color the sun often takes on at these times of day.
The golden hour is also important because it tends to create really wonderful shadows. While at noon shadows tend to be nonexistent because the sun is directly above you, at sunrise/sunset the sun is low. This low angle naturally creates shadows. That interplay between bright and dark areas is called contrast, and it tends to drastically improve the look of your shots. Carve out some time during the golden hour and you'll instantly see just how quickly the changing light will improve your photos.

3. Perspective

This shot gets on the dog's level for a much more interesting perspective, seeing the world how he sees it.
Most of us see the entire world from between five and six feet off the ground. BOOOOOORING. While there are entire books on the creative use of perspective, how different lenses affect your perspective, and other wonderful tips, a beginner only needs to know one thing: experiment. Get lower, get higher, get directly above your subject, or directly below them. Zoom in on your subject, zoom out and show how your subject fits in the world around you.
The beauty of digital photography is that you can constantly experiment. Stand in one place with a zoom lens and you can see the world in a hundred different ways. Stand in a park and you can turn left and see one landscape, or turn right and see another. You can get lower and see things from a bug's view, or aim downward and take a picture of your shoes. Always try to think up a new way to see what's around you. Do this long enough and you'll probably also see a crowd, gawking at the odd person spinning in circles in the park.

4. Focus

By focusing on the blue shoe we draw the viewer's eye towards it, blurring out the rest of the background.
When you're trying to capture something in a photo, you want that subject to be in focus so the details are crisp. On a smartphone this is easy; you just tap whatever it is you're trying to shoot on the screen. For other cameras it can be a little more complicated, but typically speaking if your camera has a physical shutter button, you can focus by holding the button halfway down. When the camera thinks it's locked in it'll usually surround the subject in a green box of some sort and give a cheerful beep indicating everything's good to go. Press the button the rest of the way and voila, you've got an in-focus photo.
While there are lots of advanced things you can do with selective focus, for starters just concentrate on getting what you want in focus. With software these days you can fix nearly any problem you may have with a shot, but you can't fix focus. That said, here are some simple things to keep in mind: With landscapes you usually want everything in focus, which the camera sometimes doesn't understand. Most cameras have a "landscape" scene mode for just these occasions. Also, when capturing portraits of people or animals, it's best to focus on the eyes above all else. They're the windows to the soul, after all.

5. Composition

By placing the subject on the left side of the frame we leave room for him to move into, so your eyes move from left to right with the ball.
Composition is essentially three things: what you keep in the frame, what you leave out, and where you put things that are in the frame. While the first two aspects are fairly straightforward, the third is a bit trickier. When we're starting out as photographers we tend to just put our subject in the center. This is fine, but it also gets boring, quickly.
Our brains naturally break things down into patterns, but having things slightly off-center is appealing. In photography there's actually a very simple method of composing called the "Rule of Thirds" that takes advantage of this. Basically, if you cut the frame up into thirds horizontally and vertically, you'll get something that looks like this:
In this animated example, following the rule of thirds leads to a pleasing asymmetrical composition, with the tree placed slightly to the right. (Credit: Wikipedia)
Place your subject on one of the four points where the lines cross and most of the time you'll have a nicely balanced composition. Why does this look better to us? Because we're animals made of star junk and our brains defy logic. Just run with it. Most cameras can even lay the rule of thirds guides over your screen so you can quickly and easily put your subjects there.

Well that pretty much covers the basics. These are the foundational elements of photography, and they're generally pretty easy to wrap your head around. Keep these five things in mind when you're out shooting and you'll see a drastic improvement in your photos in no time.
For some more advanced lessons, check out some of our other beginner guides:
What is shutter speed and how do I use it?
What is aperture and how do I use it?
What is ISO and how do I use it?
New System Camera Owner's Guide
(Photos: Ben Keough and T.J. Donegan)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wedding Photography for Beginners

Weddings are a once in a lifetime (hopefully!) occasion, and a day that the bride and groom will cherish forever. Wedding photos play a large part of this, but this can also put a huge amount of pressure on the photographer - missing a shot simply isn't an option.
While wedding photography is possibly the most stressful challenge a photographer can face, it can also be one of the most rewarding. If you're lucky, it might even lead to a lucrative and enjoyable career.
If you've been asked to photograph someone's big day, or if you're interested in gaining some experience with an eye to making it your profession, follow these tips to make sure everything goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible.
Wedding couple on a beach
Weddings are a lot of fun but can be hugely stressful for the photographer. Image by Hiroki Nakamura.

Are You Sure?

Wedding photography can be very stressful and lots of hard work. The first thing to decide is whether you actually want the responsibility. If you've been asked to photograph a friend's wedding, remember that you can always say no.
It's a good idea to gain some experience before going it alone as a wedding photographer - see if there's a local photographer who will let you tag along and observe; just remember to stay well out of their way, and don't expect to get paid. You'll then be much better prepared when it comes to your first solo shoot.

Be Prepared

Weddings are very busy and hectic, so preparing for your shoot in advance is essential. Start by getting an itinerary of the day so you know exactly where you have to be and when. Visit the venues (church, reception hall etc) before the big day so you know how to get there and how to get around.
This is also the time to start scoping out good photo opportunities. If possible, take a couple of friends to pose for some test photos, or even better take the wedding couple so you can discuss what they like and don't like.

Make a Shot List

Sit down with the wedding couple and make a list of all the photos they are expecting in the final album - everything from the group family photo to the snapshots of Auntie Marj. Although it can be a tedious process, on the day this list will be your saviour, helping you to stay focused among the hustle and bustle.
Bride and two bridesmaids
A shot list will help you stay calm, and ensure you don't miss any crucial photos. Image by Jonathan Day.

Let the Guests Do the Hard Work

A great idea is to put disposable cameras on all the tables at the wedding reception meal so that the guests can take their own snapshots of the day. This will provide you will a whole bunch of photos for no effort on your part, which you can use to compliment your more professional shots, or even use to make a separate album altogether. You might also find that the guests feel more comfortable being photographed by their own friends and family, particularly after a few glasses of wine!

Take Two Lenses

You'll want to pack a couple of different lenses for the wedding day - a wide angle lens for interiors and group shots, and a longer lens for candid shots and portraits.
Even better than using two lenses is to use two cameras, saving your precious time changing lenses and reducing the chances of you dropping a lens.

Batteries and Memory Cards

The absolute worst thing that can happen when photographing a wedding is running out of power or memory card space (or film). Can you imagine asking the vicar if he wouldn't mind postponing the ceremony for half an hour while you recharge your batteries? No, neither can I!
Take at least two batteries (fully charged) and enough blank memory cards - you'll be taking lots of photos and you won't have time to delete unwanted shots on the day.
By stocking up on batteries and memory cards you'll also give yourself the peace of mind to concentrate on what really matters - taking photos.

It's All In the Detail

As well as the more obvious photos (bride and groom kissing, family group photo etc), be on the lookout for the small details that add character and depth to the album. Close-ups of the rings, bouquets of flowers, or hanging dresses are all important reminders of the day, and they also allow you exercise a little more creativity than some of the more common wedding photos.
Bride holding her wedding bouquet
Get creative and photograph some interesting details to put a unique spin on the album. Image by Tim Forbes.

Inject Some Humour

At weddings, people often get caught up in the formal side of things. Unfortunately this can cause them to act in a "prim and proper" way that doesn't allow their personality to shine through. Watch for those brief moments where they let their hair down, such as the bride taking her shoes off to rub her weary feet, the best man pulling a funny face, or a baby chewing on a bridesmaid's bouquet. These can often be some of the most personal and memorable photos of the day.

Silence Your Camera

There's nothing more distracting during a wedding ceremony or speech than the sound of your camera bleeping away as it tries to focus. Be sure to turn off your camera's sound at the start of the day and leave it off.
A silent camera also makes it easier to shoot candid photos without alerting your subject, allowing you to get a much more natural photo.

Have Fun

Finally, remember that weddings are a time for celebration and fun. Although they can be stressful for the photographer, make sure that you take the time to let your hair down a bit, have a chat with the guests, and enjoy yourself.

Courtesy of: https://www.photographymad


Photography Basics for Noobs | Beginner Guide

Photography Tips for Absolute Beginners

So you have decided you might like to try getting into photography, you have either just acquired a new camera or are about to, where do you begin?
Here are some photography tips for absolute beginners to help get you started:

Buying gear

Your gear does not make you a good photographer. If you are just starting out, a top of the line camera is likely to not ony be be a waste of money for you, but also make your learning process a bit trickier. A bit like buying a formula one race car to learn to drive.
When you do want to buy gear, research first. It’s really helpful to take a look at some photography forums or articles here on dPS to find tips on beginner cameras. Once you find something that sounds viable and fits your budget, read reviews, and again look to forums such as Flickr, where there is a chat group for nearly every brand or model of camera, and they are often more honest about any issues.
The same applies to other gear like lighting. You don’t need to set yourself up with professional soft boxes to try studio lit portraits, you can try some of these DIY lighting tips, or find some cheap beginner setups on Amazon or Ebay.

Take lots of photographs

“Your first ten thousand photographs are your worst” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
As with any skill, the more you use it, the better you get. As you progress with your photography and look back on those early beginner shots you thought were fabulous, you’ll be able to see Mr. Cartier-Bresson was very right.

Read the manual

Camera manuals are at best, the most boring thing you have ever read in your life, with the possible exception of that friend that wanted you to read all 600 pages of their poetry about love and skin rashes.
Wile not an exciting read, going over the manual is very helpful.
Camera manuals are not exactly a riveting read.
It’s a good thing both in the beginning, and to refresh down the track, to know how this wonderful instrument (your camera) actually works. Even if you don’t recall all of it, that doesn’t matter, you will learn or be reminded of something helpful.
Yet it’s such a hard thing to read that manual! So it’s best to place it somewhere where you can push through it in small instalments while you are passing some time such as: the bathroom, in the car if circumstances have you often sitting there waiting for the kids, or at work during lunch break. Just as long as you give that thing a good going over.

Workshops and courses

So you’ve got the photography bug. You might be thinking, “Ooooo! I’ll sign up to a bunch of courses, workshops, buy online courses.” It might seem like a good idea and while they can be fantastic, I don’t recommend going nuts with your enthusiasm, and signing up for courses and workshops the moment you get the photography buzz.
You are currently reading one of the most useful photography sites on the entire internet. There is more information, tips and tutorials on this site, and others, than you will ever need to get you started and beyond. Once you get the hang of things, then you will have a better idea of the type of courses and workshops that would suit you. So I’m not saying don’t take a course – just wait until you know what suits your needs.

Connect with other photographers

This is invaluable, whether you sign up to an online group that use your brand of camera, or join a local camera club, your photography will progress faster, and it will be more fun with the help of fellow shutterbugs.
Even other beginners can help you learn new photography skills.
Connecting with other photographers is a great way to learn more and get inspired.
Camera clubs often have monthly competitions to practice with and sometimes organize photo tours, exhibitions and other activities. Talking with knowledgeable photographers or even fellow beginners can not only inspire, but also keep you motivated.
Sign up to some reputable photography newsletters and Facebook pages, or even approach photographers you admire to ask questions. Most professional photographers don’t mind answering a few questions, as long as you are respectful and polite, and don’t demand too much of their time.

Try everything

You may have taken up photography with a certain style or subject in mind, but it can be helpful to try all styles. You never know what you might have a knack for, or what you will learn along the way.

Getting feedback

Your friends and family may love you but they will lie to you about your photography. Unless you have a very honest friend or family member who actually knows a bit about photography, it’s often more beneficial to get feedback from strangers.
Signing up to a photo sharing site where others can comment on your work will get you mostly honest feedback, sometimes brutally so. I posted the image below on a feedback site some years ago. Aware the image had faults, I was keen to hear what someone else could point out for me, that I might not have seen after working so closely on the image.
A fellow submitted a lengthy comment , basically pulled it apart, pointing out several (million it seemed) faults, he really went to town on it. But while the comments were brutal and borderline unkind, it was useful advice. All of which I ignored in regards to that image, but was useful for later attempts.

Enter free competitions

If you have loads of money to spend, and confidence in your work, by all means as a beginner enter some of the big competitions. You wouldn’t be the first to take out a major prize in the first few months of picking up a camera. But there are loads of free competitions out there for you to throw some images, at and see how they go. Have a read of this helpful guide to entering competitions.

47 Essential Photography Tips for Beginners

47 Essential Photography Tips for Beginners Photography is a fun and fascinating process. It’s easier now than ever to get started too. Long gone are the days of needing portable darkrooms or waiting hours to take a single photograph. You can dive in and start snapping away at anything that piques your interest.
Since the technical barrier to photography has been drastically reduced, we have much more time to focus on how to take good pictures. We’ve compiled 47 photography tips for beginners that show quick ways to improve photography techniques without overcomplicating things.
There’s lots to take in as a new photographer, so we’ve also broken the list down into five categories. Jump to the sections you need the most help on below. With this in hand, browse our photography rentals to find gear that’ll help boost your skills.

Quick-fire Photography Tips


Learn all the rules so you can break them later

Photography rules are essential because they provide a foundation for more advanced photography tips and tricks later on. Learn the rules first, so you have more creative control when breaking them later.
Learn as you go — don’t let it prevent you from picking up a camera.

Expose and focus first, then frame your shot

An improperly exposed or blurry picture is unusable, but one not precisely framed may still be saved. For this reason, you should always focus on and properly expose for the subject before adjusting the frame.
This is something that happens more often when you have extreme lights and darks in the same scene.

Focus on the eyes

We are always drawn towards the eyes in a photograph, since eyes are a natural focal point that we connect with.
When taking portrait photographs at any aperture, make sure you nail the focus on the eyes. As long as the eyes are in focus, both you and your subject are more likely to consider the picture to be properly shot.

Make lots of mistakes, then learn from them

The more mistakes you make, the faster you’ll learn and improve your photography skills. All professional photographers once started without an understanding of anything on a camera.
The real value is in turning mistakes into lessons that build your skills. So try a technique or style you haven’t done before and expect to make many mistakes along the way.

Perfect the exposure trifecta

Getting proper exposure in photography consists of balancing three things: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings. You can start off by shooting in automatic or priority mode, but to get full control and shoot with manual camera controls you’ll have to understand the relationship between these three things that each directly affect the exposure and quality of your image.
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Always be ready

Be as prepared as a boy scout and always be ready to snap a shot. Most digital SLRs have nearly instantaneous startup times, and it takes almost no extra battery power to leave your camera on.
Keep your camera on one of the semi-auto or full automatic modes for unexpected pictures before your subject flies, drives, or runs away. You can always switch back to your preferred mode when you have time to adjust for a stationary subject. Sometimes you only have a split second to capture a great shot.


Use a wider aperture for portraits to make your subject pop

Aim for an aperture size around f/2.8 to f/5.6 to make the background behind your subject more blurred out. This will help remove distracting backgrounds and make your subject stand out. You can experiment with even wider apertures, but take care to keep your subject’s eyes in focus.

Prevent blurry pictures by
matching shutter speed
to the lens focal length

For example, if you’re using a 50mm lens you should use shutter speeds of 1/50 sec or faster to be able to capture handheld images and keep them sharp. Longer lenses are heavier and more difficult to keep steady — making the shutter speed faster helps avoid camera shake.

Straighten and crop when editing

You should try to straighten shots by looking through your camera’s viewfinder before capturing an image, but it’s not always easy to get this perfect on the first try.
The viewfinder or the preview on your LCD is quite small compared to full-screen editing so you may realize it needs adjusting once you see it on a bigger screen. Simply rotate your images in post production software and crop out the empty spaces.

Avoid camera shake

Camera shake can render a photo unusable. Increasing your ISO and opening up your aperture allows for quicker shutter speeds, reducing the chance of blurry images. However, this is not always an option if you’re trying to maintain other specific qualities of your image.
Start by doing what you can to reduce camera movement, which begins with learning how to properly hold a camera.
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Keep both eyes open when looking through the rangefinder

This has a few advantages. When shooting portraits, your subjects will be able to ‘connect’ with you by seeing one of your eyes. Without this, many subjects can feel a little bit uneasy like you’re hiding behind the camera.
Secondly, keeping both eyes open lets you monitor what’s out of the frame so you can predict when your subject will enter the frame. This is important for capturing sports, animals, or any kind of action shots.

Learn to use exposure compensation

Sometimes you’ll take photographs that don’t properly expose your subject—they are way too bright, or way too dark. This can be a combination of a few things: which areas of the scene your camera measured for exposure, and how different in brightness the light and dark areas are in your scene.
You can quickly fix these images by using the in-camera exposure compensation to make your subject look just right.

Photograph what you love

Focusing on what you love will make photography more enjoyable for you. If you are passionate about nature, people, pets, or something else entirely, start learning by taking pictures of it.
This will keep you interested in photography and allow you to overcome learning obstacles without breaking a sweat.

Make use of reflections

There are lots of unique opportunities if you pay attention where most people don’t. One of the things to look out for are reflections.
You can find them after (or even during) rainy days, in puddles, in lakes and even in swimming pools. Water isn’t the only source, try mirrors, big glass windows, and chromed out fixtures.

Tips for Common Types of Photos


Utilize the photography “golden hour”

Lighting is paramount since it dictates the shape, texture, contrast, and shadows in your images. The golden hour is about a one-hour window briefly after sunrise or before sunset.
The longer shadows and especially the more diffused light during these periods provide much more flattering light. Since the light is diffused, you’re much less likely to ‘blow out’ highlights or lose detail in the shadows that are difficult to avoid during the strong light available during most of the day.
This golden hour tool calculates the golden hour for you based on your location.

Get a low cost reflector to drastically increase your options

Having a reflector will let you better control light on your subject. You can even use foam core board at a craft store that’s black on one side and white on the other for less than five dollars.
Foldable fabric ones are also available at photography stores. The black side lets you block or reduce lights, while the white side can be used to fill in shadows. These two options give you much greater control with positioning and angles instead of being limited by the main light source. If there is too much contrast in your scene, use a reflector to fill the shadows on your subject. Adjust the reflector’s distance to your subject to control the intensity of the fill light.

How to photograph fireworks

Fireworks are an amazing sight—it’s definitely one that captures well on camera too. Be prepared and set up ahead of time to increase your chances for great results.
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Portrait photography tips

If you’re just starting out, chances are you don’t have a studio or fancy lighting equipment.
Your best bet is to use window light. Turn off all the lights in the room and move near a window with some curtains so you can play around with diffusing the light.
Turning off all the lights includes the pop-up flash on your camera too. Make sure you focus on the eyes, make your subjects feel comfortable, and give it a shot!

Pet photography tips

Pets are full of personality, and capturing that on camera can require different techniques depending on the individual pet. Dogs especially tend to reflect your emotions, so act accordingly depending on the photo you want.
Some pets can be very active too, so a short telephoto lens can help if you’re backed up against a wall. Shoot in shutter priority mode and hover around 1/125 sec to 1/500 sec depending on the pet. Lastly, similar to human subjects keep focus on the eyes sharp.

Landscape photography tips

Landscape photos usually capture vast spaces. The most common you’ll see is landscape photos in nature, but this applies to cityscapes too.
These images can trigger powerful responses with the stories they tell or the scenes they portray. But first you want to make sure you’re ready with proper gear and technique.
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Party photography tips

You can have fun at parties and get great images without futzing with your camera all night. Most parties will be indoors or in darker settings. Choose a wide zoom lens, with the widest range being about 24mm for photos in rooms with limited space and for group pictures too.
Avoid using the built-in flash since it creates unflattering images. Opt for an external flash or a mounted one you can direct to bounce off ceilings or walls.

How to paint with light

Drawing or painting with light in photography is really fun and interactive, so it’s easy to get other people to join in on this too.
People are usually receptive to it because it’s very relatable to drawing. You can get pretty creative with this too, depending on how many people are drawing, and your source of light.
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Photography Equipment Tips


Start off by purchasing a digital SLR with a “cropped” sensor

Entry level and prosumer level digital SLRs typically have a smaller sensor than “full frame” cameras. These allow the cameras to be smaller, lighter, and more affordable.
The tradeoff is usually quality and low light performance and it will affect focal length of lenses you choose for specific photographs. It is relatively difficult to tell the difference in quality, so when it comes to the price savings, a smaller sensor is a great choice for folks just starting out.

Use a prime lens for better creativity

A prime, or fixed lens does a few things to help your photos. Not having zoom will force you to get up and move around, increasing the likelihood that you’ll find a new or creative perspective.
Using a prime lens also makes you consider your framing more since you’ll be forced into situations where there will be obvious things you want to include or remove from the frame. Finally, fixed lenses are usually faster and aren’t confined to aperture limitations at various focal lengths.

Don’t try to clean the
inside of your camera

This includes not blowing inside the camera too. Unless you absolutely know what you’re doing, both the sensor and the mirror can be very difficult to clean and it’s more likely you will make it worse than fix whatever is wrong.
Leave it alone and take your camera to a local Borrowlenses for cleaning.

Push your gear to its limits before buying more

As a new photographer, you simply won’t need a lot of gear since you’ll have lots of learning to do before your skills surpass the capabilities of the kit lens.
It’s easy to get sucked into buying fancy new gadgets, but take time to push your current gear to the limit so you’ll be better informed of needs later, and prevent frivolous spending at the same time. You’ll discover that having gear restrictions can improve creativity in various areas too.

Memory cards: size matters

It may be tempting to choose one of the largest memory cards you can afford, but consider getting multiple smaller memory cards instead.
Although digital storage is relatively stable, there is still a chance your data could corrupt. If you have a very large memory card and plan to keep using it until you run out of space, your chances of losing all of your photographs are much higher than if you switched out with smaller cards in between sessions.

Don’t fall into the megapixel trap

More megapixels listed on a digital camera is not a clear sign of better quality, and manufacturers are beginning to drop out of this megapixel race to put the focus back on quality.
Do megapixels matter though? They matter up to a point if you’re looking to make large prints, banners, or posters, but investigate picture quality before buying, instead of relying heavily on the pixel count.
As an extreme example, it’s highly unlikely a 8-megapixel camera phone could produce results as good as a 8-megapixel digital SLR produced in the same year, simply because the phone’s camera will be limited in quality due to its size.

Get a filter to protect each
lens from scratches

Even if you keep your lens cap on during storage, it’s not practical to keep removing and replacing the cap during shoots. Putting a clear or UV camera lens filter on each lens you have is a great way to help avoid lens damage and is worth the investment compared to repairing or replacing scratched lenses.
Sometimes these filters can cause flares on your images though, so pay attention. You may have to remove the filter for some photographs.

Photography Composition Tips


Use the “Rule Of Thirds” for balanced photos

While framing a shot, visually break it down into a grid of nine equal rectangles and place your subject on one of the four intersections for a natural look.
The rule of thirds in photography is not a hard and fast rule, but a good guideline to follow instead of just placing your subject dead center by default.

Change up your perspective for better results

Most of us see everything from about five and a half feet from the ground, and if your photography is only done at eye level, things can look boring. Experiment with different angles to discover new perspectives.
Get on a chair or crouch down—anything to get above or below your subject to find an interesting perspective. If you practice this often, you’ll be more prepared to see the world and subjects in a new way and capture more interesting images.

Practice selective framing
for more impact

Determine what your subject is and be selective about what else is in the frame.
Whether you’re trying to capture a picture of a friend, a sunset, an action scene, an event, or a specific mood, place your emphasis on that and consider how you can add or remove what’s in the frame to best tell the story.
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Rotate your camera
for vertical shots

It’s more natural to keep your camera in landscape orientation (when the image is wider than it is tall), so it can be easy to forget shooting in a portrait, or vertical position.
Try to mix things up by actively remembering to rotate your camera vertically for a different look. This keeps you in the mindset to be open to other possibilities. This can often result in improved photographs too!

Make use of leading lines

A photograph with weak composition will leave viewers confused about what they should be focusing on. Making use of leading lines in photography can help control where a viewer’s eyes move, especially with strong, obvious lines.
Lines that converge create depth and draw the viewer in while curved lines can take you around the frame and eventually land on the main subject.

Pay attention to depth of field

To add another dimension to your composition, be aware of depth of field. Depth of field in photography is the relation of how sharp the plane of focus is compared to everything away from that plane.
Depth of field is largely determined by the aperture size you set and your distance to the subject. Wider apertures emphasize depth of field, and so does getting closer to your subject.

Learn composition from the masters

Visit an art gallery, hop online, or find some art books and study composition from masters of the art world. Don’t forget masters of photography as well.
These artists typically work within a frame and through many years of expertise make decisions about composition. Study what they’ve done and try to pick up some pointers from what you like (or don’t like).

Give your subject some space

When composing, consider the direction your subject is moving in or facing and give it extra space over there. If you frame it so there’s nowhere left for your subject to move except out of the frame, it can create an unnatural feeling for the viewer.

Fill the frame

When you leave too much empty space or zoom out too much, it makes your subject a lot smaller relative to the entire picture. This deemphasizes the importance of your subject and can make it difficult for viewers to determine what your subject actually is.
Remedy this by moving in closer or zooming in.

Isolate the details

Occasionally you’ll encounter scenes that are just too big to fit inside the frame, no matter how far back you move, or what camera lens you’re using. Don’t settle for just taking a cropped version of a photo you want.
Look for unique details or features you can focus in on and push everything else out of the frame. This can uncover hidden gems in situations when you don’t have a great scene to begin with too.

Try the exact opposite of all these composition rules

For each of these rules, there’s going to be photographs out there that disregard them and still turn out beautiful.
Perhaps you want to create tension by putting your subject up against the edges. Maybe you want to shoot a whole series dead center and ignore the rule of thirds. Use the rules as a guide, but be sure to break them and experiment to discover something new.

Camera Settings & Features


Learn to use the histogram

Most people skip over this, but spending just 10 minutes to understand your camera’s histogram can make a big difference in your photos.
It will help you avoid unusable photos from overexposing bright whites and underexposing dark details in lower light situations.
Here are 7 examples of reading histograms from Clickin Moms.

Shoot in RAW + JPEG

Most digital SLR cameras give you the option to shoot in either RAW or JPEG, with some letting you do both. RAW files are much larger than JPEGs, but they are uncompressed images that let you correct things (up to a point) like exposure, white balance, and colors during post-processing with less of a quality loss than if you were to edit the JPEG instead.
Shoot in both RAW and JPEG, and if the shot you were going for is already good you can just delete the RAW version.

Use burst mode for
unpredictable subjects

Kids, pets, wildlife, and many other subjects can be unpredictable. Use burst mode on your camera to increase the chances that you’ll capture the moment you’re going for. Burst mode will let your camera continuously capture images as you hold down the shutter button.
This can also be helpful for things like group photos—you’ll be able to pick through a set of shots to find one with no one blinking!
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Use the correct shooting mode for the best effect

Aperture priority - Usually labeled A or Av. Use this mode when you want control over depth of field, or how sharp your photos look at varying distances from the plane of focus.
Shutter priority - Usually labeled S or Tv. Use shutter priority when you want to prioritize capturing something in motion like for wildlife, kids sports, people, or vehicles.
Program mode - Similar to fully automatic mode, except you can adjust the aperture and shutter setting combination for desired effect and still achieve proper exposure. This is good for when you just want to make sure you get a properly exposed shot, with flexibility when needed.

Don’t use built-in flash as a primary light source

Using built-in flash as a primary light source can create very harsh shadows and an unflattering look.
It’s mainly useful as fill flash, such as when harsh sunlight is casting dark shadows across your entire subject. It’s also helpful in emergencies when there’s almost no light around and you just want to capture an image of something—even then it will create unflattering shadows and highlights on your subject.

Use as many automatic
modes as you can

Leave the white balance and ISO settings on automatic. If you’re a new photographer, having too many settings to worry about just for a single exposure can result in missing out on lots of photo opportunities. Automate what you can and work on your other skills.

Use the right White Balance setting

When lighting conditions change, our eyes adapt automatically. Digital camera sensors cannot do the same thing so we have to adjust white balance settings to keep images from looking too blue or too yellow.
Color temperature is measured on the Kelvin scale. You can leave this camera setting to automatic for most conditions, but occasionally you’ll need to set the white balance manually when your camera can’t figure out complex lighting situations.

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