How to Take Control of Aperture and Create Stronger Photos

Selective focus and bokeh
Selective focus occurs when you focus on your subject, and use a wide aperture to make the background go out of focus. Bokeh is the blurred parts of your photo. It originates from the Japanese word boke, and has come into use because we don’t have a word in English for it.
photo shows both selective focus and bokeh. I focused on the model’s
eyes, and selected an
aperture of f/1.4, to blur the background as much
as possible.
1. Aperture
The wider the aperture, the less depth-of-field there is, and the more bokeh you get. Photographers that like to use selective focus buy prime lenses, as they have often wider maximum aperture settings than zooms.But, you can still obtain nice bokeh with zooms, if you pay attention to the following points.
2. Camera to subject distance
The closer you are to the subject the less depth-of-field there is. This is a useful tip if you have a zoom lens with a limited maximum aperture (such as an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens). Just set the focal length to longest available setting, the aperture to its widest setting, and move in as close as you can. You’ll be surprised by what you can achieve.
photo was taken with an 18-55mm kit lens set to 55mm and f/5.6, the
widest available aperture
at that focal length. It’s not nearly as close
to how little depth-of-field there would be if I had used an
50mm prime
lens at f/1.4 – but it’s still enough to blur the background.
3. Subject to background distance
The more distance there is between subject and background, the more out of focus the background will get, at any given aperture setting.4. Quality of light
Light affects bokeh. Soft light (like that on an overcast day) produces smooth, even bokeh. Sunlight or reflections, create a different type of bokeh with more texture.
I took this photo on an overcast day. The bokeh is very smooth.

took this photo in the early evening. The artificial lights reflecting
from the shiny objects in the
background have created a different type
of bokeh.
5. The aperture blades of the lens
The more blades the lens has, the rounder
the shape of the aperture, and the smoother the quality of the bokeh.
Less expensive lenses tend to have fewer aperture blades, and may not
produce the same quality of bokeh as better ones.
6. Other optical characteristics of the lens
Some lenses, such as the Helios
58mm f/2 lens, used to take the photo below, have optical
characteristics (or more likely, flaws) that produce a certain type of
bokeh. Lensbaby is a company that makes lenses that produce a specific type of bokeh.

f/2.8 on a prime lens
I’ve singled this aperture setting out because it hits a sweet spot when it comes to composition, especially for portraits.
you have a normal or short telephoto prime lens, and use the widest
aperture setting (generally f/1.2, f/1.4 or f/1.8) then the
depth-of-field is very narrow indeed. Sometimes that works really well,
but other times you need a little more depth-of-field to create a
stronger image. It’s like any technique – overuse it and it becomes a
The solution is to mix it up a little by
using aperture settings like f/2, f/2.8, and f/4. You’ll still get a
narrow depth-of-field and create some beautiful bokeh, but a little more
of your subject will be in focus.
Using f/2.8 (or thereabouts) shows subtlety, restraint, and maturity.

I took this photo with an 85mm lens (full-frame) at f/2.8. The depth-of-field is still shallow enough
to blur the background nicely.
The middle apertures
Now we get into the middling apertures, those from around f/4 or f/5.6, to f/8, depending on your lens.
The effect of these apertures depends on the focal length
of your lens and how close you are to your subject. For example, you
could use a super telephoto lens (300mm plus) and shoot from farther
away from your subject to create images with shallow depth-of-field at
f/5.6, or get the entire scene in focus at the same aperture with a
wide-angle lens (35mm and less) if you focus on the right spot and are
much closer to your subject.
These middle apertures represent the
transition between photos where some of the image is out of focus, to
those where everything is in focus.
You can still use selective focus at these
apertures (although perhaps not with wide-angles), although the effect
is much gentler than with the widest aperture settings of your lens. Use
these apertures when you want good depth-of-field but don’t mind if the
background is out of focus a little.

used an aperture of f/4.5 for this photo. The depth-of-field is
sufficient to get the man, the statue,
and the wooden baskets in focus.
The background is unimportant and doesn’t need to be in focus.
The smaller apertures
These are the ones you use when you need
everything within the frame to be sharp, like with landscape
photography. This can be anything from f/8 on a wide-angle lens, to f/11
or f/16 on longer focal lengths. With telephotos and macro lenses you
can stop down to f/16 and still not get everything in focus.
The thing you need to be aware of here is diffraction.
When the aperture gets too small, the light passing through it spreads
out, and softens the image. Thanks to diffraction, images taken at f/22
are usually visibly softer overall, than those taken at f/8 or
f/11. Noticeable diffraction may start at f/16 or f/22 on a full-frame
camera, and around f/11 on an APS-C camera.

An aperture of f/11 ensured everything in this photo, taken with a 14mm lens (APS-C), was in focus.
Take control
Every time you take a photo you should be
thinking about what the optimum aperture is for the composition you want
to make. Do you want to open the aperture and throw the background out
of focus? Do you want to stop down and get as much as possible in focus?
Or somewhere in between?
What aperture settings do you like to use
with your photos? Do you use a Lensbaby or other lens that gives a
certain bokeh effect? Please let us know in the comments – I’d love to
hear your thoughts and see your images.
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