George Floyd - "I can't breathe" - Black Lives Matter
by: Darryl TurnerIf you live in America, you are aware of the present controversy we as a nation are experiencing in regard to this man, George Floyd, and the sadistically brutal way he was murdered by a "Police Officer". Mr. Floyd was handcuffed and later wrestled to the ground where he lay on his stomach.

He was not resisting arrest, nor was he non-compliant with the directives given to him by the arresting officers. One of the 4 Police Officers conducting the arrest decided to place his knee on the neck of George Floyd, as depicted below.

Mr. Floyd complained that he could not breathe, but the Officer continued to apply his weight on the neck of Mr. Floyd until he died. The Officer knew people were videotaping his conduct, and yelling at him to take his knee off because George Floyd was complaining, "I can't breathe". Approximately 5 minutes later, George Floyd was dead. The result of this blatant murder has been racially motivated demonstrations that boil over into riots at nightfall, all across America which involved more than 20 cities over this weekend.

George Floyd's murder occurred in the state of Minnesota.
Specifically, because the demonstration marches tend to turn violent at nightfall, I chose to take a few pictures during the daylight hours of Ferguson, Missouri (the city where a black teenager - Michael Brown) was murdered by a white Police Officer nearly 6 years ago. Many people in the Ferguson area are still angry about the fact that the Officer was not arrested. And this recent murder of yet another black American by Police has fueled the fires of racially motivated hate and distrust of local Cops. The Ferguson Police Department Headquarters building has had several of the windows broken over this past weekend.
As you can see, there are a few people holding up "Black Lives Matter" signs. Unfortunately, the "crowd" of 9 above will grow to hundreds after nightfall.
In an effort to keep their respective businesses from being destroyed or damaged like the building above, some local business owners whose shops are located on the South Florissant Road (the same street as the Police Headquarters) have resorted to putting signs in the windows.
Ironically, images like these can be found around the Ferguson Missouri area.
This is the former Police Officer (after 3 days of protest demonstrations he was finally fired) who is responsible murdering George Floyd. His name is Derek Chauvin.

He has been arrested and formally charged with 3rd-degree murder and manslaughter. His wife has recently filed for divorce, and if convicted he faces up to 25 years in prison, and having to live with other inmates (some of whom will be Black and will know why he's there). The last time I checked, disgraced, former Cops don't do all that well in prison. I hope he doesn't drop his soap in the shower.
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