Never dreaming I'd actually win the last camera I bid on, I also entered a bid for this Maxxum 300si 35mm film camera. Like the last camera I bid on, it too is a Minolta. It comes with with a 35-70mm auto focus lens.
It also comes with a Tamron 70-300mm Auto Focus Zoom Lens. Great for Spring and Summer time photos of nature when you really want that close up, but know you can't get too close to your subject. The Ebay Seller indicated that the lens does fit and work with the camera I won. (By the way, I priced this lens online, and found one for the low price of $124.95) There is also a Vivitar 70-210 Auto Focus Zoom Lens included in this purchase. I found a Vivitar lens like this one online for $105.00.

This lens does NOT work with the camera I purchased, but the Seller included it in the purchase price. The good news is I already have 2 other Minolta SLR 35mm film cameras, and I'm thinking the lens will fit one of them. The auction price I paid for all of this equipment was $60.00, plus 10.50 for shipping! I also went online to price the camera I bought, and found one for $58.00. So, I've gotten hundreds of dollars worth of camera equipment for $60. I should be receiving these items Tuesday or Wednesday. And, like I did with the last camera, I'll put a roll of film through it and post the pictures on my blog.
Speaking of pictures, there's still time to post some of your pics here on my blog before April 15th. 2011. Remember, that's the day I'll give U.S. Gold(en) coins to the winning photo entrants. 'til next time shutter-bugs, happy picture taking!
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